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The New Gold 2 


You have made the right decision by checking out what we do, and what I have been doing my entire adult life.  Mining for Urban Infill lots; This is the New Gold! Locating unknown historically platted lots in older established/existing neighborhoods, close to a city core, and easily and quickly splitting them off from the parent property.  You can then either sell the lot to a retail buyer, or a builder or, learn through my 29 steps how easy it is to build a new home.  Forget flipping!  That market is so over saturated, and the competition is very stiff, and rehabs are almost impossible to budget.  Everybody and their siblings and friends are flippers these days.  I can also lead you directly to the funding for these properties, and just like me, if you don't have the funding to start out, you can easily locate private lenders that will fund with no money out of your pocket, just like I did many, many years ago! 

What we do is unknown to 99% of the general public, flippers included!  Through our patented Web App, as well as other means, we locate unknown historically platted lots that have been combined into one tax lot throughout the years, but can be easily separated back into their originally platted lots.  This process is extremely easy once you locate these sites, and in most cases, you end up with the original home plus 1 or more build-able lots!  A house on a big lot is worth far less than a house on a smaller lot that has 1 or more build-able lots, sometimes substantially more.  I can show you hundreds of properties that I have purchased, and simply split off the lot, easily and quickly, and then just sold the house and the build-able lot, for (in some case) 50% to 100% more than what I paid for the entire parcel!  I even know of one that was several acres, that had been split into hundreds of lots back in the early 1900s.  The market softened at some point after it was split into hundreds of lots, and the owner then built one home and enjoyed the acreage for many years.  Well, many years later, it was purchased, and the historically platted lots were  "confirmed/separated", and the value of the land once those originally platted lots went up several thousand times by being many, many build-able lots, VS a home on acreage.  

In most cases, we usually end up with 1 or more build-able lots plus the original house, that either can be sold as is or rehabbed if needed. In other cases, a home may be dilapidated enough to where it makes the most sense to tear it down and split the lot, quickly and easily into 2 or more lots.  I have split hundreds and hundreds of these lots in my career, in multiple cities, and have made millions.  I want to teach you how to do the same, whether it is one a year, or 100, I can show you how to make a ton of money, very easily by finding these gold mines.  Our patented web app also allows you to find vacant lots that are in older established/existing neighborhoods, just sitting there, ready for you to contact the owner that probably has no use for it, buy it, and flip it for quick profits, or, build on it to make even more profits!  If you still want to do rehabs, many of these sites have the additional lots that can be quickly and easily split off, and the existing home on the lot may be in need of a rehab that can make you even more profits.  In most cases, if the home needs a rehab, we sell the home to a flipper and with most purchases, we sell the home after we split the lot for more money than we paid for the entire parcel!  I just did one in Spokane Washington at 2927 East Cleveland, a real address!  We paid $120,000, split off a 55 x 100 lot in less than 2 weeks, then sold the remaining "fixer" home to a flipper for $125,000, giving us the lot literally for free!  That lot is worth $50,000! All we did to the house was clear out the debris, demolish the old dilapidated garage, and put up a fence separating the lot we created from the original home. From the time I submitted the lot split paperwork to the City of Spokane, to the time the lot was split and recorded with the Country was less than 2 weeks.  I have hundreds and hundreds of examples of this, and you can see on our website the profits we have made.  Just click on "millions made" and you can see for yourself, real addresses and real profits!  There is only one of me, and I have kept this secret to myself for years, so I wouldn't create competition, but after 30 years, I am ready to unleash these secrets to the general public, and show you too how to make as much money as you want to make!

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